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  • Writer's pictureLinda Varga

Can a Beneficiary Sue a Trustee in California?

Can a Beneficiary Sue a Trustee in California?

Trusts are a common estate planning tool in California, providing a structured way to manage assets and ensure they are distributed according to the grantor's wishes. Trustees, who manage these trusts, hold significant responsibility and must adhere to strict fiduciary duties. However, what happens when a trustee fails to fulfill their obligations? Can a beneficiary sue a trustee in California? The answer is yes, and understanding the legal framework is crucial for beneficiaries and trustees alike.

The Role of a Trustee in California

In California, a trustee is tasked with managing the trust's assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries. This role includes several fiduciary duties:

  • Duty of Loyalty: Acting solely in the best interests of the beneficiaries.

  • Duty of Care: Administering the trust with the same care and diligence that a prudent person would use in managing their own affairs.

  • Duty to Inform and Account: Keeping beneficiaries reasonably informed about the trust's administration and providing accurate accounts.

Grounds for Suing a Trustee in California

Beneficiaries have legal recourse if they believe a trustee is not fulfilling their duties. Common grounds for lawsuits include:

  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty: If a trustee acts in their own interest, mismanages assets, or fails to follow the trust terms, they can be sued for breach of fiduciary duty.

  • Mismanagement of Trust Assets: Poor investment choices, failure to diversify investments or reckless handling of assets can lead to legal action.

  • Failure to Distribute Assets: Trustees must distribute assets as specified in the trust document. Failure to do so can result in a lawsuit to compel distribution.

  • Lack of Communication or False Accounting: Beneficiaries are entitled to information about the trust. If a trustee withholds information or provides inaccurate accounting, they can be held accountable.

The Legal Process in California

If a beneficiary decides to sue a trustee in California, the process typically involves several steps:

  • Consultation with an Attorney: Beneficiaries should consult with an attorney specializing in trust and estate law to evaluate the case's merits and develop a legal strategy.

  • Filing a Petition: Legal action begins by filing a petition in probate court, detailing the trustee's alleged misconduct and the relief sought.

  • Court Proceedings: The court will review evidence from both sides, including financial records, trust documents, and testimonies.

  • Remedies: If the court finds the trustee at fault, it can order various remedies, such as removal of the trustee, monetary compensation, or specific performance of required actions.

Consequences for Trustees

Trustees found to have breached their duties face significant consequences, including:

  • Personal Liability: Trustees can be held personally liable for losses resulting from their misconduct or negligence.

  • Removal from Position: The court can remove a trustee and appoint a successor.

  • Reimbursement of Legal Fees: Trustees may be required to cover the beneficiaries' legal costs.

Preventive Measures for Trustees

To minimize the risk of litigation, trustees should:

  • Maintain Transparency: Regularly update beneficiaries on the trust's status and provide detailed reports.

  • Seek Professional Advice: Utilize financial advisors and legal counsel to manage the trust prudently.

  • Adhere to the Trust Document: Follow the trust terms precisely and seek court guidance if unclear provisions arise.


In California, beneficiaries have the right to sue trustees who fail to meet their fiduciary obligations. Understanding the legal grounds and process for such lawsuits is essential for protecting beneficiaries' interests and ensuring trustees fulfill their duties responsibly. By maintaining transparency, seeking professional advice, and adhering to trust terms, trustees can avoid litigation and manage trusts effectively.

Contact Us for Legal Help

If you need help with estate planning, the probate process or resolving an inheritance dispute, contact the top-rated California probate attorneys Moravec, Varga & Mooney – today to schedule a telephonic consultation. Have questions, call (626) 460-1763 or email

Southern California Probate Lawyer Serving all counties in California, including Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Sacramento, Santa Cruz & Beyond.



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