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What Happens If You Die Without a Will in California

When someone dies without a will in California, their estate is handled under the state's intestate succession laws. This often results in a transfer of property that might not align with the deceased's wishes. As a professional in estate planning, I've seen many families navigate the complexities of California's legal landscape after the loss of a loved one. Without a will, the state dictates how your assets are distributed, often leading to outcomes that the decedent may never have intended.

Navigating these waters can be particularly challenging without prior knowledge or a plan. For instance, if the decedent leaves behind a spouse and children, the law specifies exact proportions for how property is to be divided. This process, governed by the California Probate Code, does not consider any verbal or unregistered agreements that were made by the decedent. As a result, the emotional and financial toll on the surviving family members can be significant, often exacerbating existing tensions and leading to disputes. It's crucial to consult with a trust and estate attorney to ensure that your wishes are clearly stated and legally protected, avoiding these unintended consequences.

Probate in California Without a Will — How It Works

When someone dies in California without a will, their estate goes through a court-supervised process known as probate. During this process, a personal representative, often called an executor or administrator, is appointed to manage the decedent's estate. This role includes distributing the estate to the estate beneficiaries and heirs according to the state's intestate succession laws. However, the personal representative can only make these distributions after completing all necessary steps of the estate administration process, including paying the decedent's creditors.

If the decedent had not arranged alternative methods such as a trust, beneficiary designations, joint tenancy deed, or other non-probate transfer methods, a formal probate is often required. The probate court first attempts to determine if there are any pre-arranged plans for property distribution. If no such plans exist, the court will appoint an administrator to oversee the decedent's intestate estate, ensuring that everything is handled according to legal standards. This step is crucial in avoiding potential complications and ensuring that the estate is settled fairly and lawfully.

What Is Intestate Succession?

When a person dies in California without a last will and testament, the state uses a system called intestate succession to determine who inherits their estate. This legal framework is set out in the California Probate Code, specifically in sections 6400 – 6455, which lays out the order of priority for heirs. Intestate succession is the process through which assets are passed down to the decedent's heirs, typically the closest living relatives, when no will is present.

Intestate succession provides a predefined method for distributing a decedent's estate assets. This automatic and law-determined method ensures that the assets do not end up in the wrong hands and are instead guaranteed to go to the decedent’s recognized heirs. This system operates under the assumption that most people would prefer their possessions to pass to their immediate family members, and it acts as a default mechanism in the absence of a will.

The legal process involved in intestate succession can be time-consuming and expensive, as the court must first validate that there is no will and then proceed to distribute the assets according to state law. This often involves a thorough probate process, where the court appoints an administrator to manage and settle the estate. Probate can be daunting for families, highlighting why having a will is beneficial to clearly state one's wishes and possibly avoid a prolonged probate period.

Who Becomes the Administrator of the Estate

When someone dies without a will in California, the court must appoint an administrator to manage the decedent's estate. Typically, the court gives preference to the surviving spouse of the decedent if they are willing and able to serve. If the surviving spouse is not available or unwilling, the court looks to other close relatives in a specific order of priority, which is outlined in the California Probate Code 8461.

If there are no known heirs, a public administrator may be appointed to oversee and navigate the complexities of the estate administration. This process involves locating any potential heirs and ensuring the estate is distributed according to California's laws of intestate succession. It’s a position that requires significant time and diligence, and not everyone might feel confident or able to handle the administrative duties involved. In some cases, individuals may refuse their appointment due to other obligations or the fear of facing undesirable consequences, like being accused of fiduciary misconduct.

What Happens When Someone Dies Without a Will and Leaves Behind Family?

When someone dies without a will in California and leaves behind family, the estate is distributed according to the state's intestate succession laws. These laws ensure that the property is transferred to the closest surviving relatives, such as the spouse, children, or parents. This process is designed to honor what is presumed to be the decedent's wishes, especially when they wanted their assets shared among their family. However, without explicit instructions from a will, the division of assets can sometimes lead to disputes among relatives, particularly if there are significant financial needs within the family. This highlights the importance of having a will to clearly outline one's wishes and potentially prevent familial conflicts.

What Does the Spouse Get Under California’s Intestate Succession Laws?

In California, when someone dies without a will, the surviving spouse typically receives a significant portion of the estate. The law distinctly differentiates between community property and separate property. Community property, which includes almost everything acquired during the marriage while living in the state—such as real and personal property—is usually wholly inherited by the surviving spouse. This means that any assets acquired together during the marriage are automatically passed on to the spouse without much complication.

However, the distribution of separate property—which may include assets acquired before the marriage or received as a gift or inheritance—varies based on other surviving family members. If there are no children, parents, or siblings, the surviving spouse inherits all of the separate property. But if there are children or grandchildren, the spouse might only receive one-third to one-half of the separate property, depending on the number of children. If the decedent had siblings, parents, or other relatives like nieces and nephews, the spouse’s share could be reduced to one-half of the separate assets. This division ensures that other close family members also have a part in the inheritance, aligning with the intestate succession laws that aim to fairly distribute the decedent's estate among all heirs.

What Do Children Get Under California’s Intestate Succession Laws?

In California, what children receive when a parent dies without a will largely depends on whether there is a surviving spouse and how many children the decedent had. If the parent was unmarried at the time of death, the children will receive all of the decedent's property. However, if the parent was married, the children's inheritance will be split. They may only receive a percentage of the decedent’s separate property, and typically, they will not be entitled to any of the community property that generally belongs to the surviving spouse.

The size of each child’s share of the estate will also depend on the total number of siblings. If there are several children and no surviving spouse, the estate is equally divided among them. On the other hand, if there is a surviving spouse, the children might receive between one-third and one-half of the separate property, depending on the number of children. This method ensures that the estate is distributed fairly among the next of kin while respecting the structure of California’s intestate succession laws.

Actions to Take if a Person Dies Without a Will in California

When someone dies without a will in California, it’s crucial to take action promptly to manage the estate administration efficiently and minimize potential complications. First, the court will need to appoint an administrator to oversee the estate. Heirs should stay actively involved by maintaining close contact with the administrator and may consider hiring a beneficiary rights lawyer to protect their interests. This proactive approach ensures that the process of intestate succession is carried out smoothly and that all legal requirements are met without incident. It’s important to understand the steps involved and make the right moves in a timely fashion to decrease the odds of unforeseen issues arising during the estate distribution.

What to Expect During Probate When There’s a Death Without a Will

When there's a death without a will in California, the probate process begins with obtaining the decedent's death certificate and delivering it to the probate court in their county of residence. During this initial probate proceeding, the court will confirm that there is no will and will then appoint an administrator to manage the estate.

This administrator is tasked with several important duties, including preserving the decedent's assets, satisfying all valid creditor claims, taking inventory of all estate assets, preparing and filing estate accountings with the court, serving as a liaison to the probate court, and ensuring that the assets are timely distributed to the decedent's heirs. This comprehensive process ensures that the estate is settled according to state laws, protecting the rights of all parties involved.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Intestate Succession Law

One of the primary advantages of intestate succession in California is its simplicity and predictability. The law ensures that if you die without a will, your assets won't end up with the state or in the hands of someone you didn't intend. Intestate succession laws automatically pass your assets to your closest living relatives, which generally means your spouse, children, or parents. This process can be particularly beneficial when a decedent has not left any explicit wishes regarding the distribution of their estate.

However, there are notable disadvantages to dying without a will, governed by these laws.

Intestate succession does not allow for personalized distribution, such as leaving parts of your estate to a friend, charity, or a relative who might not be in the direct line of inheritance, like nieces and nephews. The rigidity of the law means that specific wishes such as excluding a family member or providing for a friend are not possible. Moreover, if the estate involves complex assets or there are potential conflicts among heirs, the intestate process can become complicated and lengthy, potentially leading to disputes and dissatisfaction among the heirs. This highlights the importance of having a will to precisely outline your desires for the disposition of your estate.

Will the State Get Your Property?

In California, if you die without a valid will and have no family, the state may escheat your property. This means your assets could end up becoming state property. However, the court will first attempt to find any relatives, no matter how distantly related. This includes great aunts, uncles, cousins of any degree, and even relatives of a spouse who predeceased you. The state is typically considered a last resort, only receiving your property if absolutely no eligible relatives are found. This system aims to ensure that every possible connection to the deceased is explored before the state steps in to take ownership.


When faced with the reality of dying without a will in California, it's crucial to take decisive action before it's too late. Waiting until the last moment can lead to unnecessary stress and complications for your loved ones. Seeking guidance from a qualified probate attorney can provide clarity and peace of mind in navigating the complex legal process ahead. They can help you understand your rights, assess your options, and create a plan tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

Don't delay in taking control of your estate planning. Acting now can ensure that your wishes are honored and your loved ones are protected in the event of your passing. Whether it's drafting a will, establishing trusts, or exploring other estate planning tools, making informed decisions today can prevent future conflicts and uncertainties. Remember, the sooner you take action, the better prepared you'll be for whatever the future may hold.

Contact Us for Legal Help

If you need help with estate planning, the probate process or resolving an inheritance dispute, contact the top-rated California probate attorneys Moravec, Varga & Mooney – today to schedule a telephonic consultation. Have questions, call (626) 460-1763 or email

Southern California Probate Lawyer Serving all counties in California, including Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Sacramento, Santa Cruz & Beyond.



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