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Trust Administration
Experienced guidance for Trustess and Beneficiaries.
Trustee Representation
Managing a Trust estate with numerous assets and beneficiaries can be overwhelming. As a Trustee, you have a fiduciary duty to administer the estate properly and timely. While many trust administrations can be straight forward, they often can involve separate counsel and separate interests for trustees and beneficiaries. Over the years we at Moravec, Varga & Mooney have found that the best way to avoid disputes is to keep everyone fully informed. Our aim is to keep your trust administration costs to a minimum and one way to do that is to keep you out of Probate Court.
Beneficiary Representation
If you are a beneficiary of a Trust, Moravec, Varga & Mooney with its over 35 years of experience can help you to not only understand your rights, protect your rights, and advise you as to whether or not the Trustee is properly performing his/her duties. Because certain rights of a beneficiary are time-sensitive, such as contesting the validity of a Trust Amendment, you are advised to consult a lawyer sooner rather than later.
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